CellarMan WineWizard
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CellarMan Select

Digital Vineyards, Inc manufactures a low cost wine information kiosk and a complete support infrastructure to allow customers to access store wine information. A complete suite of management functions are available for the store.

The kiosk consists of a 15" LCD touchscreen and a barcode reader encased by a damage resistant enclosure.

Manufacturing our own kiosk has a number of advantages:

  • provides the lowest cost solution
  • provides maximum flexibility
  • provides greatest reliability
  • provides best post sales support

The kiosk can be wall mounted or mounted at the end of a wine row or mounted near a check-out. Using a secure WiFi connection into the store network, the kiosk only needs a power point to function. Alternatvely, the kiosk can be cabled into the the store network.

Store management functions include stock control, price setting, setting the location of a bottle within a store, controlling specials and adding wine information.

Store management functions are controlled through a browser over the Internet and changes are instantaneous.

Whether you control a single store or a country wide chain of stores, you have complete control over information displayed in each store from a central point.

Contact Digital Vineyards to find out how a solution can be grown for your wine store.

Copyright 2005 Digital Vineyards, Inc.